Regulatory overview
Disclosure in accordance with FINMA Circular 2016/1 Disclosure - Banks
Disclosure in accordance with FINMA Circular 2016/1 Disclosure - Banks
Bank von Roll follows the guidelines of the Wolfsberg-Group (CBDDQ V1.4). They aim to further develop industry-wide standards for the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. We will be happy to provide you with the documentation on request.
Cross-border tax evasion should be prevented with the help of the new global standard for the automatic exchange of information (AEOI). The standard makes provision for the mutual exchange of information on financial accounts between states that have agreed to the AEOI. Aside from Switzerland, almost 100 states, including all major financial centres, have declared their intention to adopt the standard.
Switzerland will start collecting data on 1 January 2017 and exchange it for the first time in 2018. The Federal Assembly approved the statutory basis back in December 2015.
To date, Switzerland has agreed to the AEOI with the following partner states: Link to list of partner states
Deposit insurance protects the credit balances of private and corporate clients in the event of a bank or securities firm’s bankruptcy. This guarantee is regulated by law.
The protection is limited to a maximum of CHF 100 000 per client and institution. Multiple accounts are added together.
esisuisse guarantees that it will cover protected deposits as part of the self-regulation of Swiss banks and securities firms.
Deposits at Bank von Roll Ltd. are covered by the deposit insurance scheme.
Detailed information at www.esisuisse.ch.